Life Groups

God designed us to do life together.

How Life Groups Work
Life groups are groups of 2 or more people (ideally gender specific, though hybrids are not necessarily discouraged) who simply study the Bible and follow Christ together. They meet for one hour each week, or however often they can, to reflect on the Scripture they read, discuss life — how they were obedient to God's word or how they struggled to live it — and then encourage and pray for one another. Below is a general structure that we've found has a very organic and conversational tone.
01 Reflection
Reflect on the Scripture you read or that week’s sermon. Discuss its application to your life.​
02 Obedience + Accountability
Share your successes and failures in obeying God’s word. Think about what kind of questions you can ask of yourself and others when admitting to struggles and areas of unbelief (sin).
03 Believe + Pray
Commit yourself to actively believing God's word and pray about how you can respond to and demonstrate the realities of God’s Kingdom in your life.
Why Life Groups Work
Life groups work when we love God, love one another, and are obedient to God's word (Matt. 22:34-40; John 14:21). While the life groups format is important to follow and based on biblical principles, without love they are merely rules which, in and of themselves, have no transformative power to renew our minds and shape us into the image of Christ.
Scripture exhorts us to submit ourselves to the ways of the Lord (James 4:7; Jer. 17:10; Rom. 8:7; Eph. 5:21). In following the example and life of Christ, we are to CARE for one another.

In the opening chapters of Genesis God said, "It is not good for man to be alone." While solitude and silence are essential parts of life, when God welcomes us and adopts us into His family we are joining exactly that — a family. A family that God desires to do life together, sharing and enjoying the blessings and gifts He has given each one of us. Advancing God's eternal Kingdom of love together. Sharpening and loving one another in all things as we await the Day of the Lord.
See: 1 Thess. 5:11; Col. 3:13; 1 Cor. 15:33; Eccl. 4:9-10; et al.
Join or Start a Life Group
Use this form to request to join a group or to let us know you've started or joined one. This lets us know who is involved in a group and what groups may have openings.